Customize your search experience

Get quick, relevant results from an AI-powered chatbot, Google™, Yahoo®, and other search sources using quick commands from your browser search bar. Add the Chat AI Search extension.


Upon clicking the button above, you confirm that you have read & agree to the Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and consent to install this Chrome™ extension.

Supported Search Engines

Get answers from your preferred source in seconds

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Click on the browser search bar and type ‘@’

Enter a hotkey (e.g.@chat to get quick answers via an AI-powered chatbot)

Hit ‘Space’ and type your search query

Press 'Enter' to get answers from your preferred source

Step 1

Click on the search and Type ‘@’ in your address bar

Step 2

Enter a hotkey (e.g.@chat to get quick answers via an AI-powered chatbot)

Step 3

Hit ‘Space’ and type your search query

Step 4

Press 'Enter' to get answers from your preferred source


One search destination

Enhance your search experience with Chat AI Search. The extension allows you to effortlessly search for information from many search engines and an AI-powered chatbot.

A personalized web search experience

Use the toggle on your toolbar widget to enable or disable sites as per your preferences.

Hotkeys based on your preferences

Customize the hotkeys to anything you like (and will remember), for ease of use.

Browse the web, on your own terms

Change the default search provided by the extension via ‘Settings’ on the toolbar widget.
